new year, new you… but why not start now?

recently a co-worker asked me what i do to stay healthy and in shape. the thing is, i do a lot, and it all started almost exactly one year ago, when i decided i wanted to make some seriously-positive nutrition and exercise changes. looking to do the same? keep on reading*.

  1. exercise – I’ve always been a big runner. long runs are my therapy, my time to think or zone out or sing along to my favorite songs. running outside is really when I get my stride, so when it’s not the dead of winter, I take advantage of every outdoor run I can take. but running won’t get you toned, even if you’re logging upwards of 30 miles a week. you have to incorporate weight into your cardio to see major muscle definition and change. and don’t forget to stretch after any kind of workout. we all know better – just do it.
    1. cardio – do whatever kind of cardio you like the most (rowing, ellipticalling, running, biking, whatever) 2x a week for at least 45 minutes. you do not need to log over an hour of cardio if you’re doing it right. that means, when you get off the machine, you are dripping sweat. if you are bored during your cardio, you’re probably not working hard enough. sprinting is the best way to burn fat, so create an interval circuit for yourself – mine is a mile – and gradually build to your sprint.
    2. weights – if you want to be toned, you need to lift weights 2x a week. nike training is a great app for women who want to learn new moves and become comfortable lifting heavier weights. but if you’re going to watch/follow an app or DVD, you need to make sure that you pay attention to your body – at the end of your workout, are you sweaty? do you need to shower? are your muscles tired? have you literally done as many reps as possible? if you answer no to at least one of these questions, you probably didn’t do enough reps or use heavy-enough weights. ladies – you are not going to bulk up if you use 8-10 lbs weights; the majority of women simply do not have enough testosterone to become “bulky”. and trust me, even if you actually do, all you would have to do is stop lifting and your muscles will adjust accordingly.
      • my weight circuit works as many muscles as possible simultaneously. don’t waste your own time. do lunges + squats with weights and other exercises that work the whole body to ensure you’re not overworking one area/muscle group and to tone everywhere.
      • at the beginning of each circuit repetition, i recommend doing burpees. I am the burpee queen. they work your arms, abs, thighs and core. win-win-fucking-win. I do them until I cannot stand up anymore. it’s the best way to get your heart rate pumping and ensure you’re burning calories. if I’m feeling energetic, ill do them at the end of the circuit too until I can’t move.


  1. diet – this is a big one. you have to get to know your body. stop eating foods that upset you or that you’re allergic to. they inflame your insides and make you bloated. your skin will never glow if your body is rejecting what you’re putting in it.
  • my “rules
    • only eat animal protein once a day or once every 2 days – you do not need to eat animal protein at every meal even if you are a 200 lb. man. our bodies were not made to process that much meat. you have no idea how much lighter you will feel if you cut down. you should eat other healthy fats (avocado, chickpeas, lentils, etc), but they are not nearly as hard on your body to breakdown. and if you need some inspiration, animal protein stays in your system for multiple days, which I find gross haha.
    • eat a lot of protein at breakfast – I wake up in the morning to eat my quinoa granola. find something that you want to get out of bed for, that fuels your workouts and satisfies you. it makes the world of a difference.
    • snacking – I live alone so if I don’t buy something, that means I can’t eat it.
    • learn to love vegetables – I used to hate salad and vegetables. now, I literally crave them. they really are the dieting secret, they are so nutritious and versatile and low in calories. find ways to eat more of them and incorporate them into your favorite dishes, and you’ll notice your cravings start to change.
    • have a cheat day – this is super important. you cannot make all these drastic changes and not give yourself a break. you simply will be unable to keep up this lifestyle. my cheat day is usually when I’m hungover so I can have a bagel and whatever else I’m craving without any guilt. some weeks you’ll only want a cheat meal, and others you may want a whole day, but either way, let yourself indulge your cravings at least once a week.
steamed vegetables with quinoa, garlic and lime ponzu sauce

steamed vegetables with quinoa, garlic and lime ponzu sauce

  • other non-negotiables
    • sleep – you will not be able to sustain hard workouts without a lot of sleep. do yourself a favor and just get more of it. it changes everything.
    • don’t let anyone discourage you – especially yourself. if you’re making big changes, it will be a lot to process for you mentally and physically. sometimes you just have to give yourself a break, and sometimes you need to evaluate why things are happening. be aware and learn to read your body’s signals so you can treat it better.

what’s my bottom line? know yourself and your body, and be independent. don’t create unrealistic expectations of yourself; you want this to be a lifestyle. and don’t wait on anyone else to help you reach your goals – go after them yourself. decide to make serious changes to make yourself happy and to improve your day-to-day life, no one else’s.

*please note: i am not trained  nor do i have a degree in fitness or nutrition; these are simply my opinions.

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