
enough is enough

sometimes you just have to say, “enough is enough”.

in the winter, it’s a lot easier for me to make decisions about what is and isn’t necessary and what i can and am not willingly to live without. decisions like: do i really need to walk the three extra blocks in this wind to get a manicure? no, i can fix my nails for tomorrow’s meeting in the comfort of my own bed. and do i really need to meet my friend for dinner all the way downtown? she had a terrible day and she needs you, so yes.




there is something about the fierce cold that makes it so much easier for me to make these kinds of choices – what is worth, what isn’t; who is worth it, who isn’t.

it doesn’t matter what the motivation is or how the decision is reached; the end result is the same. and the act of going through and evaluating these kinds of things is important. it’s important to know when push comes to shove, who or what we will chose.

i’d like to think i’m usually pretty good at knowing myself and knowing what i want. but for whatever reason, recently, it’s been harder to define, more difficult to commit to or even say out loud.

the cold has also brought clarity; the cold has brought certainty.

join me, this winter season, and be grateful for the valuable people and things (no i don’t mean literal items, i mean “things” like a secure job, a roof over your head, etc) in your life. recognize their effect on you, celebrate their significance — be appreciative! — and stop wasting time on anything and anyone who does not improve or enrich you.

no more crutches, no more vices – alive or inanimate. time to say “enough is enough” and let go of the all the shit that brings you down.

enough is enough.



winter decorations









sometimes a girl needs some twinkle lights in her life…